Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-16-12

 Jack Swagger def. Zack Ryder to win the United States Championship:

What I Liked:

I was alright with the title change to Swagger, as I feel he is a legit competitor and can benefit from this. He is a guy who needs more exposure and really show off in the ring. There may not be a more complete "wrestler" in the business than Swagger. I liked the finish of this match, not burying Ryder, but selling his injury and still having the heart and will to win. He is better suited as a chaser over champion, but I do think we will regain it in the near future. This is just a way to sell a bigger story.

What I Disliked:

The match should have taken place either next week or the week after at the Royal Rumble. I feel like there is enough for Ryder to do outside the ring with the storyline to have this push continue. Finally, Ryder did not need to have Eve here, I get it, they are an item or whatever you want to call it, but she simply does not need to be there every single time with him. Make it more of a story in the back that spills over to the ring, like her coming to his aide at the end. There needs to be more spine and backbone to Ryder's character.

Grade: B-

John Laurinitis tells Ryder he is sorry and did not know. Eve yells at him, and he says shut up and show some respect. He walks out, saying sorry again to Ryder as the doctor checks on him.

Kelly Kelly and Alicia Fox def The Bella Twins:

What I Liked:

Is there anything to like here? Nothing offensively or defensively to showcase or note. The best thing I can say is Kelly Kelly looked incredible.

What I Disliked:

I may keep a counter of useless Divas matches weekly. This can count as week 3 of useless Divas match with no meaning on Raw. Perez Hilton was just whatever to me, as I know he is a famous blogger and what not. I cared less about him being involved, and was basically a time filler.

Grade: D-(solely on KK's Looks it did not get an F)

R Truth comes out and is stopped before even talking by Wade Barrett. He comes out and mocks R Truth, calling him a joke and says Wade Barrett will win the Royal Rumble. Truth wonders why Wade is so mad, and shows him pictures of Truth with Disney characters. (They are in Anaheim). Miz comes from behind and attacks Truth, which leads to Sheamus saving Truth. Teddy Long sets up an Over the Top Rope Challenge match next.



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