Stars In Progress…Orton, Brodus, TNA PPVs, Y2J & More

Chris Jericho

One Genius Step…Down

Chris JerichoI think I lost a dozen Twitter followers Monday night when I refused Chris Jericho the credit he apparently deserved for remaining silent two weeks in a row. He literally did NOTHING again and people were having conniptions while singing his praises across Twitter.

"You are witnessing the genius that is Chris Jericho right now! Only HE can pull this off!" That is one comment that another respected wrestling journalist said during Y2J's segment on Monday. I bought into that as well if you recall, but it was when it was actually true.

"Genius" is no longer an appropriate description the second time around. It was creative, refreshing and innovative the first week. It was lazy, uninspired and pointless the second week. Most importantly, it's too risky. I'm afraid Raw's rating being down yet again proves my point.

Fans knew within two minutes of Jericho's segment on Monday that they were in for a repeat performance. Why care then? Why react? And looking forward, one can only assume that WWE and Jericho will continue the silent treatment for another week or two, at least. Otherwise, why do it even twice?

Is Jericho ruined by any of this? Of course not. As soon as he finally talks, states a purpose, and moves into some sort of meaningful program, he'll be great. THAT is what makes him "genius". Not talking and bad cting is not. It worked the first time because it was unique. It's no longer such AFTER the first week.

And what is Chris Jericho's character accomplishing with it? I understand he's mocking the crowd. I understand he's acting like a face to prove he's actually a heel. The first week accomplished all of that. I was ready Monday to hear what he had to say in regards to why he's back, what the videos meant, etc.

That's my point in the end. I feel the cryptic videos and the "bigger picture" behind them is more intriguing and entertaining than weeks of silent promos. And by the time he finally decides to explain it all — if he even does — people may not care as much.

That's a risk I don't think WWE can afford to make right now.

Chris Cash can be followed on Twitter @RealityofChris. React to this column by tweeting him your thoughts or simply leave a comment below. Tune into the Voice of Wrestling radio show tomorrow night from 7-8 EST on as Chris and Nick preview the Royal Rumble pay per view in detail.