Perez Hilton

What’s Bothering Me?: Perez Hilton, HOF, WM Locations, More

#2. WrestleMania 29 & 30 Locations

I’m selfish. I live closer to Arlington than the other cities mentioned as potential hosts of the next two WrestleManias. Therefore, if Justin LaBar’s exclusive story is accurate, I have to now wait one more year than originally expected to attend WM in the new Dallas Cowboys stadium. I’m bothered by the extra money I have to spend NEXT year if I plan on going to every ‘Mania every year.

However, I’m NOT bothered by Vince potentially moving the 30th edition of the event out of MSG. And again, I’m not sure why the IWC feels so strongly against it either.

Tradition is only good when the custom is worth continuing.

If I’m Vince McMahon, there are a lot of reasons why I end this particular tradition. As a fan, I’m also glad he’s moving WrestleMania into only large venues. It means more, cheaper tickets available.

MSG is still going to host a ton of WWE events. I’m sure they’ll be fine.


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