Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-9-12

Chris Jericho is introduced by Justin Roberts as the man who beat Stone Cold and The Rock in the same night, as well as the first Undisputed Champion. Jericho makes his entrance, gets the crowd pumped up again, and begins to cry. Crowd chants Y2J and Jericho is faking being choked up. He walks away murmering "I can't do this"

 Such a unique way once again for Jericho to appear, as he obviously is just burning a few weeks before he makes an impact. He is going to be heel, as you can tell with his acting and tendencies. Even his walk is reminiscent of the last time we saw him in the WWE. I'll give it a pass this week, as I felt it did enough but not too much to get us interested, but if they do the same thing next week, the crowd and the fans will be getting impatient and sick of the wasted time we have gotten from Jericho without any sense of a pay off.

Grade: B

Eve is in the ring, and Kane's music hits. She runs away. We get a shot of Ryder telling Eve to get in the car as he is trying to fix a flat tire.

John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler:

What I Liked:

This pairing was fitting for me, the number one guy along with a guy who is rising faster than anyone else and anyone expected. The pace of the match was good, showcasing Ziggler's personality in the ring. His legdrop bulldog into a bridging headlock was a nice way to transition from a move to a submission hold. He did it with ease. I wish this was given more time before Kane was seen attacking Ryder in the outside. Kane's attack of Ryder is good, because Ryder is such a polarizing and popular figure right now. They want Kane to be booed, and this is a way of doing that. He gets cheered at times when attacking Cena. A nice job of tangling the two stories together nonetheless. Ziggler does not lose interest, as he was involved in the main event, as well as ringside for his building storyline with Punk. He was not over exposed tonight, and used with intelligence and accuracy.

What I Disliked:

I worry that Ryder will be just a supporting role in this angle and not be able to make something happen himself. Kane only stopping Cena from breathing has already been done a few weeks ago, so they need to make something else happen quicker rather than later. The end needed to be more dramatic, and not recycled from a weeks ago.

Grade: B

Raw Grade: B-

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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