Ted DiBiase, Jr.

Stars In Progress…Jericho, DiBiase, Genesis, Bryan & More

Chris Jericho

One Silent Step Up

Chris JerichoJericho’s debut has been analyzed and debated ad nauseum. The line seems to be split right down the middle with half thinking it was a great debut and the other half hating it. One side argues his silence on Monday night was in fact golden while the other felt they were ripped off in some way.

Personally, I give WWE and Chris Jericho credit for being somewhat creative. We all know Jericho can talk and we’re sure to get plenty of that going forward, but had he come out and cut a promo as expected, I’m afraid it would have felt like “just another return”. That’s the LAST thing I wanted with as much hype and promotion as they gave it.

Chris Jericho was expected by most fans. That often leads to disappointment on its own, so I’m perfectly fine with WWE doing something “unexpected” to try and make up for it.

The fact that Y2J returned has spread through every wrestling circle by now. We’ll find out if people care THIS week. I don’t expect ratings to jump through the roof just because Chris Jericho is back, but the fact that he didn’t talk and explain his motives leave us with something to look forward to Monday.

And with all of that, I end by saying that although I enjoyed Jericho’s silence on Monday, a second week of “nothing” will be overkill. For some reason, it wouldn’t shock me if Vince thinks another week or two of Y2J pulling the bait-and-switch on the mic is somehow productive.

It won’t be.

Chris Cash can be followed on Twitter @RealityofChris.