Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 1-6-12

Daniel Bryan def. Big Show:

What I Liked:

Give the Big Show the beginning offensive attacks, build on Bryan  becoming the underdog, because that is what he is and may always be. Build a chemistry and climax from the beginning. I felt both guys worked very well together, considering the complete difference in styles.When Bryan gained the offensive, it was smart, meticulous, and did not make Show look terrible. Bryan used strong kicks to ground Show, and it was effective and aggressive at the same time. Show is at a very solid point where he can take bumps and look good doing them. Show's spear looked fantastic, a truck meeting a deer like hit. Bryans submission moves were great from one move to the next. Bryan getting shoved to the ground was, in my opinion, the beginning stages of his heel turn. The crowd hated it, but it was smart and sensible.

What I Disliked:

There was not a big weakness in the match, but it was not a five star match either. Both guys worked well, but the pairing does not have the legs or the essence to go longer than a month. It looks like a Triple Threat Match at Rumble is in the makings. Bryan is now seen as the underdog who needs to escape in every way to win. He looks weaker this way, but as a heel, it is typical. I wonder what and when the heel turn will come full circle.

Grade: B-

Smackdown Grade: C+

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