Stars In Progress: Brock Lesnar, Injuries, Knockouts & More

TNA Knockouts
One Charitable Step Up

Congratulations to Gail Kim and Mickie James for main-eventing Thursday's edition of Impact. While watching the match – around the time Gail applied the Octopus in the middle of the ring (the first time) – I flashed back to the good ol' days of TNA. It reminded me that at one point, the Knockouts were actually a very important part of the broadcast each week.

The match between Gail and Mickie was quite good. The problem is that the live crowd was dead the entire time. Blame part of that on the jaded Impact Zone, but blame the other part on the fact that we haven't been given a reason to care about the Knockout division for a long time.

Again, I'm happy for both women and they gave it their all, but the Knockouts shouldn't be main-eventing Impact's. Not anymore. This isn't TNA of three years ago and I doubt they'll be going back there anytime soon.


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