Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction For 12/29

Best of Three Series: X Division on a Pole: Zema Ion vs. Anthony Nese:

What I Liked:

The action was packed, the athleticism was really refreshing because of the previous match more of a slugfest and brawl. Nese hit a beautiful german suplex off the top rope. The spots that Ion and Nese did were spot on and without fault. I really like the best of three concept for these guys, because I don't think it got stale, and it was able to expose both young talents on a more regular basis.

What I Disliked:

Zema Ion is a great talent, but the X Division is like the WWE Divas division. It is always a revolving door with new talents. The big difference is X Division has great talent, maybe too much. I wish they gave it more exposure on a weekly basis from now on, because that is the big plus they have against WWE. I feel like they won't though, and focus on veterans who do not have much in the tank.

Grade: A

Douglas Williams vs. Gunner:

What I Liked:

The continued focus on Gunner not caring about victories, but hurting people. They need an aggressive younger guy to step up and become a force. I feel like Gunner has the look, has the backing of Flair in his corner which is never a bad thing, and could become a top guy in the future.

What I Disliked:

I wish the match actually took place for a longer period of time. If you want to see dominance, let Gunner take over throughout and show his strength and skills in the ring. Fans will respect that and back him more if they saw what he is capable of.

Grade: D

Bobby Roode comes out and talks about how he is the leader of the Selfish Generation, and that is how he became World Champion. He flies his friend Tracy, a man, to the show. He is mad he has not returned his calls, and confronts him. Tracy says thagt Roode is not selfish, and is a guy who always credited everyone else. Roode says everybody wants his fame and money. He ends up choking Tracy, until Hardy comes out and saves him as Roode runs off. This segment was good enough to boost the interest in the actual heel persona of Roode, but I just didn't get the actual point of bringing in his "friend." It just seemed way out of the blue and a bit of a reach. I would rather see someone we know, a friend of his in TNA and not a stranger with no reason for us to care about him.


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