Top Ten: Best of WWE 2011

Number 5: Ryder Revolution

It is hard to debate whether or not there was a more popular and viral superstar than the Long Island Iced Z, Zack Ryder. From "Woo Woo Woo, You Know It" to "Take Care, Spike Your Hair" to "Are You Serious, Bro?" Zack Ryder has captivated the wrestling world with his dedication to get noticed. Z True Long Island Story became an instant hit, classic comedy, and a reason to care about Ryder. When he got noticed, he instantly hit a world wide trend on Twitter, and continued to progress in his wrestling ability. Ryder is the most important guy to the fans right now, one who everyone wanted to see succeed. In Madison Square Garden, he received a bigger pop than The Rock. I was there, and it was electric.


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