Stars in Progress: WWE TLC, The Jarretts, Batista & More

Jack SwaggerJack Swagger – Yes, I Said Jack Swagger
One Step Up

Watching Smackdown, I had an epiphany. Jack Swagger should turn babyface!

Yes, even from this side of my computer monitor, I can see you cringing with disbelief. But I'm used to that. I go against the grain often and prepare myself mentally for the consequences. I can also see the future.

I've always been a fan of Swagger. No, he should have never been World Champion at the time he was given the strap and he may never be ready for that level, but it doesn't mean he's not good. It doesn't mean he's not capable of more.

I don't see a typical heel when I look at Swagger. He honestly has a cool vibe about him. A "swag" if you will. It was evident in his backstage segment with Mark Henry on Smackdown this week. He wasn't scared of Mark Henry. He wasn't scared of Big Show, who he had to face later that night. The live crowd even got confused and popped for him when he reminded Henry that he's never actually beaten Big Show.

I'm not saying that a face turn is going to make Swagger the next CM Punk, but I do think it will breath new life into his career. I believe he can pull it off as well. And most importantly, I think fans would buy him as a good guy.


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