What’s Not Bothering Me? Kane Resurrected, Hardy, Cena/Raw

#2. John Cena's Raw Promo

John CenaI think I'm changing my mind on the entire situation with John Cena. Initially, I didn't like putting over the crowd heat he receives as aggressively as they are currently. I felt it would diminish the impact of the moment he actually turns heel.

That's not necessarily true.

John Cena's promo this week on Raw was excellent. Teasing the Rock was a very "heel" move and I'm not sure they even meant for it to be that way. It could easily have been assumed that the fans would react negatively toward the Rock. After all, Cena "was" telling the truth – Rock is never there.

Whether WWE meant for John Cena to come off like an ass or not, it worked. It was still a babyface promo, but it prompted fans to boo him even more. He dangled a carrot and then quickly took it away. All the while, he stayed true to his character by reminding people how he's there every day busting his ass for the fans.

Should John Cena still turn heel? Absolutely. But it doesn't have to be like Hogan's turn nearly 15 years ago. It was never going to be anyway. It can still be huge. And it will be.

In the meantime, I just hope Monday's performance by Cena wasn't an accident.


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