Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 12-9-11

Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes:

What I Liked:

The match was a great pace, the ending worked, and Booker T was seen as a threat to Cody. I really enjoyed the bell to bell work, as these guys are very similar, but have some differences that make this match flow without a hiccup. the physicality was there, and the speed and pace of the match was perfect for two athletes of their caliber. I wanted Booker to beat down Rhodes more, but sometimes less is more.

What I Disliked:

Not much wrong here, but maybe a question to answer: Where is Daniel Bryan's feud? He is muddling around from other feuds to other feuds, and not one for himself. I feel like they need to test the waters of him being World Champion, have him cash in at TLC. Then, you can really see if he is ready to headline for the WHC match in Miami.

Grade: A-

Rhodes interrupts Long and Aksana backstage and wants to fight Booker T. Long books Booker T vs. Cody Rhodes at TLC for the IC Title. Aksana stares at Rhodes as he leaves.

Matt Striker interviews Randy Orton. Orton says he has Barrett right where he wants him, and will show it tonight with Ziggler.

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler in a "Beat the Clock Challenge"

What I Liked:

Both men knew they only had less than eight minutes to make a compelling match. It worked, especially with Orton producing the "splash moves." He hit the big moves at the right time, but that did not end Ziggler. Ziggler was more of a manipulative and calculated competitor in this match, using the clock to his advantage, which was perfect. Ziggler also was able to ground Orton throughout, which was great booking in my eyes. It gives Orton a feat to "overcome." I also enjoyed Barrett trying to cause Orton to lose. It shows a sign of consistency. Orton's RKO came out of nowhere for the win, similar to what he always does.

What I Disliked:

Having Ziggler lose like that shows that Orton is still a head above him in the eyes of the brass. Should he? That's another story. Why not have Ryder interrupt the ending? He and Ziggler need to be seen on the screen at the same time. Have Barrett and Ziggler beat down Orton, and have Ryder "save" Orton. Then, Barrett can escape and Ziggler can still be thrown through the table. It makes better sense, combines two feuds into one, and highlights 4 of their most popular stars at the moment. Next week, I do see a Ryder/Orton vs. Ziggler/Barrett match on Smackdown or Raw. Impact does this well, and WWE should consider mixing together some feuds to get the appropriate guys over.

Grade: B

Smackdown Grade: B

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