The Cashbox: Three Reasons To Turn The Miz Babyface

The MizLet's hear it, people! Tear me up for this one. I'm ready for it.

I'm expecting plenty of resistance from readers on this particular column and I'm overwhelmed with anticipation! Sarcasm aside, I understand why there will be fans that disagree. Miz IS a good heel. I'm not denying that, but before you shoot at me with your "knowledge" of the fact that he would NOT make a good babyface, at least consider the reasons below.

Once you read carefully through MY opinions on the subject, if you still disagree with me (and I'm absolutely certain you will), feel free to drop me a line with your thoughts. Email me or even easier, send me a message on Twitter @RealityofChris. I'm always open for a good debate. Just ask LaBar.


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