Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 12-5-2011

Backstage, John Laurinaitis is backstage and books Cena vs. Ryder for tonight. The winner will get their respected title matches, WWE or United States.

David Otunga is with Kevin Nash. He speaks with Nash and tells him at TLC, it is Kevin Nash vs. Triple H in a Ladder Match. (Sledgehammer hanging above the ring.) Nash is in the action tonight as well.

I like the Cena vs. Ryder, as it will give Ryder even more crowd support. It throws him with the biggest superstar in the WWE, gives him another wrinkle in his storyline, and progresses his growth as not only a fan favorite, but a complete wrestler. B+

So, just like that, we get Nash vs. Triple H…. what the hell was this? This should have been made a much bigger deal than they made it. A backstage segment with David Otunga? I absolutely hated the execution of this. Why not implement HBK, having him confront Nash, and furthermore announcing some way their match in two weeks. Awful. D

Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan:

What I Liked:

Great athleticism between two guys who can really work the ropes. Del Rio dominated quickly, showing his dominance. I like that they continue to try and push Del Rio. His in ring work is great, and he needs to tweak his personality.

What I Disliked:

So, Daniel Bryan gets a title match, goes toe to toe with Mark Henry, and gets squashed by Del Rio. This makes absolute no sense in creative direction for Bryan. It also makes no sense in the overall picture of Bryan. I would rather Del Rio go against DiBiase or someone who won't look ridiculous losing to him. It simply amazes me how Bryan looks amazing one week, but gets killed the next. This match deserved much more time as well, missed out again on great work, solid wrestling, and great storytelling.

Grade: C-

Beth Phoenix and Natalya vs. Kelly Kelly and Eve:

What I Liked:

First off, I absolutely loved the video interrupting of the return video between the Pin Up strong package. Fantastic editing skills from whoever works the videos each week. I also did not hate the decision of the match either, giving us the four meaningful divas. Why wasn't Alicia Fox in this match, as she has been spotlighted for weeks? There is not much to grade.

What I Disliked:

Again, another short match. Useless time, and I feel like they are trying to shove so much in a two hour span. Let's see how hour number two pans out, hopefully more of an emphasis of wrestling.

Grade: D-… I guess


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