What’s Bothering Me?: John Cena vs The Fans

#1. John Cena Against The Fans

John CenaThe "Piper's Pit" segment with John Cena on Raw Monday was good, but left me scratching my head a bit at the same time. From a delivery standpoint, I enjoyed it very much. "Rowdy" Roddy has always been an excellent talker and hasn't lost that ability. John Cena stayed true to his character the whole time and that was good. However, what was the point of it all, exactly?

Tell me the advantages of pointing out so aggressively what we already know. John Cena is loved by a certain group of wrestling fans and hated by others – that's very apparent everytime he steps through the curtains. Why stress that fact so much now?

Last night wasn't the first time WWE has addressed the fans' mixed reaction of Cena. They've done it several times in the past, but they were much more subtle in their efforts. Announcers mentioned it to the tv audience and moved on; Cena's facial expressions would often acknowledge the jeers – it's been a big part of what has made him such a compelling star to watch.

My biggest concern is that continuing to point it out as much as they did Monday will cause Cena to lose that "tweener" reaction he gets now. I'm afraid more and more fans will begin to jump on the anti-Cena bandwagon as those already on board are now being ENCOURAGED to spew their negativity toward the former Champion. How does that help if and when you eventually do decide to turn him?

If he never ends up turning, you have more and more fans treating him like a heel anyway. If he does end up turning, the already-existing boos simply get louder. Again, what's the point?

Bottom line, John Cena will never be a full-fledged babyface again (not until he turns heel first, at least). John Cena will still make for an excellent, effective heel once he does turn. Neither of those two statements were changed at all with Monday's segment between Piper and Cena. However, what I think it will change if they continue going this route is how fans react the moment he actually does turn heel.

That moment could be the next time an entire arena actually cheers for John Cena again. I'm pretty sure a collective "Way to go, Cena! It's about damn time!" isn't the reaction you're looking for when your biggest star goes bad.

(Yes, the paragraph above is meant as a joke to prove a point…kind of.)

Let the fans boo or cheer Cena on their own accord. Force isn't necessary in either case. Put over the fact he's the most "controversial" star in the business (like you have) and keep doing more of the same. Then, when the timing is right…again, turn him in the most obvious way possible and try to recreate 1996 all over again.

By the way, Justin LaBar said to me in a recent conversation that Cena's "Rise Above Hate" shirt would still work for a heel character. I absolutely agree and I'm certain that isn't the reason WWE refuses to pull that trigger. I honestly think Vince believes he can make ALL fans love Cena again before the turn.

If I'm right, John Cena will turn heel the day after Vince dies.


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