Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 12-1-2011

Television Championship: Robbie E (c) vs. Rob Van Dam:

What I Liked:

From the very beginning, the match was fast paced and action packed. RVD carried it for the early stages, using his arsenal of offensive moves. I also liked the interference of Rob Terry, even though his shirt was distracting. I feel like he is way too big. It sets Robbie E up perfectly, compliments both of their growth in characterization. The ending was fitting, giving Christopher Daniels the focus, continuing his beef with RVD. RVD and Daniels is more marketable than Robbie E and Eric Young.

What I Disliked:

Besides the length of the match being a little short for my taste, I did not hate any other aspect. It built two stories in one instance, created some controversy, and evolved Robbie E a little bit. He showed he can fight with the "big boys." But, why is RVD in a TV title match? He was not brought to TNA to lose to mid carders each week.

Grade: B+


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