Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 11-29-2011

Backstage segment with Long, Aksana, Sheamus, and Hornswaggle. Nothing to report here, besides they continue the holiday cheer.

Randy Orton vs. David Otunga in a Miracle on 34th Street Fight

What I Liked:

Let's face it, David Otunga is not a great in ring performer, but I am sick of hearing him talk backstage for months and doing nothing about it. At least we get some essence of his wrestling skills, which is not much. I love how Barrett continues to interfere in Orton's match, trying to cost him each time. Barrett is aggressive, intense, and cynical each time he comes out. Orton and Otunga, considering the envoirment to work with, did not put on a terrible match.

What I Disliked:

Speaking like a broken record, the usage of Christmas ornaments, the decorations, the cookies, everything is just plain ridiculous. Where is the seriousness in this night? Why are we given a live Smackdown with absolutely nothing relevant coming out of it besides Rhodes and Booker? Questions with no answers is never a good way of booking an entire show.

Grade: C+

All I Want for Christmas Battle Royal:

What I Liked:

It was refreshing seeing some of the younger talent in the ring, such as Titus O'Neil, Tyler Reks, and Johnny Curtis. They are deemed useless when Sheamus is in the ring. It was your typical Battle Royal.

What I Disliked:

Everything else about this match. You have Hornswoggle win the match, knocking Sheamus off the apron. Yeah, that makes sense. Have Sheamus lose to a midget. Have Sheamus joke around afterwards shows you how much they really care about the product they are giving us Live on Smackdown. The flow of the match was lame, there was no chemistry, and once again, no meaning. I also hate that Sheamus was even in this match with younger guys. There is no need for him to dominate here, as fans already know what he is about. Use this match to get over a younger guy, like Reks or Ezekiel.

Grade: D

Another backstage segment, this time with Dusty, Piper, and Hornswoggle. Nothing relevant to discuss here, which is a running them for tonight's show.

Striker talks to Daniel Bryan about the biggest match of his career. Bryan says everyone eventually taps, and his dream last week will become a reality. Really solid microphone work from Bryan here, hyping a realistic chance he could walk away with the title.


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