Top Ten: Creative Angles for Raw Tonight

Number 10: Make a Final confrontation between Cole and Ross


This storyline has been well overdone for the past seven months. They had their moment back at WrestleMania 27 with Jerry Lawler. Jim Ross, whether you like it or not, is not going to be on the announcer's desk full time. He is the best option, but sometimes the best option is not necessarily the right option. I still feel like he deserves to be on Raw, but Michael Cole is not a terrible announcer if they did not give him so much heel heat talking every single time. They really need to come to the conclusion that people hearing him are not booing him in the arena. Stop the nonsense, and relax with his massive ego. It gets repetitive and over blown. End this by either not mentioning Jim Ross, or set up ONE last confrontation in the very near future.


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