Stars In Progress…Ziggler, Miz, R-Truth and Daniel Bryan

Dolph ZigglerDolph Ziggler

Two Big Steps Up

Yes, I am singing Dolph's praises again. And I will continue singing his praises week after week until he stops deserving it. This week was a very good week for "Zig Zag".

It started on Sunday with Survivor Series. I would have liked to see Dolph stay in the 5-on-5 match until the end, but it didn't hurt him that he wasn't. That's the reason WWE set it up that way in the first place. The fact that Dolph is still going to say he won both matches in his promos makes up for the fact that he was eliminated early.

Monday, Dolph had a potential "Match of the Year" candidate AND winner with CM Punk. People care about Punk and clearly he's no slouch in the ring either, so he gets due credit, but Ziggler (and his dropkick) get equal credit in my mind.

Things didn't stop there for Ziggler as his tag match on Smackdown was also very good.

There are times in wrestling when things just "click" and right now, Dolph Ziggler is clicking in every possible way. The boosted arrogance he's displaying, his believable mic work and effort in the ring are why I truly believe him when he says he's the "new face of the WWE".

By the way, how good does that man sell?!