DEBUT FEATURE: Wrestlezone Presents! – The Depth Chart

Cody Rhodes4) Cody Rhodes – WWE
     Fan Vote: Mark Henry

If this list would have launched a month ago, I was absolutely ready to pull the trigger on Cody Rhodes being the Number 1 guy. His work this year has been incredible, but too many losses to Orton and not enough time to continue cutting promos and developing his character has caused a slight fall in his spot. I see big things ahead for him though, surviving in a classic match at Survivor Series alongside Wade Barrett, losing the mask and finally getting knee pads. On the other hand, those things made him unique… For further comment on Rhodes, I turned to my favorite Cody-obsessed Twitter friend, Katie Roberts: 

@FatherBennyCake:  "…For Cody's long time supporters his amazing year comes as no surprise, but it's still been incredible by anybody's standards. Ever since the demise of Dashing Cody Rhodes early this year, his character has continued to win over new fans, first with his unlikely but strong win over Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania, and then with his paper bag gimmick, which was a surprise hit with the audience. His promos have been intense but with a charming edge of humour,  and his physique has reportedly been impressing even his colleagues backstage. Bringing back the classic white IC belt was a genius move which immediately distanced him from the recent forgettable and weak champions, and his feud with Randy Orton has been one of Smackdown's highlights of the year. Now the mask has gone and another, stronger Cody has emerged, 2012 looks like it could be the year for him to emerge as a new, strong, believable main-ever…" 

3) Dolph Ziggler – WWE
  Fan Vote – Dolph Ziggler

Co-host of Chair Shot Reality, Justin Labar had the following to say: "Dolph Ziggler is the total package. Younger aspiring wrestlers can use him as a positive influence in every aspect of "sports entertainment." I couldn't agree more… Ziggler's in-ring work has been second-to-NONE in 2011, starting out with his Royal Rumble match against Edge for the World Heavyweight title, and working all the way up to his fantastic opener at Survivor Series against John Morrison. He's pulled double-duty in the last two PPV's, and it's only a matter of time before he's resting atop one of the brands as a World Champion. 

2) Mark Henry – WWE
 Fan Vote – Cody Rhodes

As we saw at Survivor Series, the fans love them some Cody Rhodes, and that shows once again in your list. As I already said, had this gone live a month ago I'd have placed him in the top spot myself, but as it stands right now Mark Henry has continued to dominate and develop his character every single week. I have no idea where the sudden inspiration came from, but I hope it never goes away. Henry has re-interested me in wrestling's "big man". Justin once again sent in his thoughts on the current Heavyweight Champion. You can follow him on Twitter @JustinLaBar:

"Mark Henry has spent many months recently being the best title holder in WWE. In a time where there has been a lot of unfinished, inconsistent storylines, Mark Henry has been direct and  consistent. He is a big tough guy and when he speaks it comes off as genuine. When it comes to mark Henry, WWE hasn't dropped the ball, they are letting him run with it to the 'Hall of Pain.'"


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