Stars In Progress…Survivor Series, Hardy, Chyna & More

Kurt AngleJames Storm Attacked By Angle
One Concussed Step Up

It was an obvious choice for who attacked Storm – and a good one. They don't want to rush Roode vs Storm and they shouldn't. Slow it down and give it time to build. While Roode is working with Styles, Angle is the perfect choice to work Storm.

Storm needs a little more time to polish his mic work as well. He's not bad, but I think he's relying a little too much on the "redneck" schtick. That's who he is and I get that, but his delivery seems a bit forced right now. He hasn't had to talk this much in a long time, so it's just going to take a little time.

I'm sure he'll get there and Kurt Angle can certainly help. TNA has done very good with both Storm and Roode so far and I'm anticipating the day they square off for what should be a long, meaningful program.


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