Stars In Progress…Survivor Series, Hardy, Chyna & More

Joanie "Chyna" Laurer

One Step Off Earth

ChynaThis woman is absolutely insane.

Notice I didn't make any perverted references to her sexual orientation. She's not worth the energy I'd have to spend coming up with something fresh and creative for that. It's also more serious than that.

Chyna is actually claiming now that she was "raped" by Sean Waltman. Strong words coming from the one that received twice the money for the sex tape than the one she is accusing of raping her in it.

I remember talking regularly with both Joanie and Sean back when they were together. At times, I felt like the "Dr. Phil" of the group and believe me, I'm no psychologist. Each would tell me the issues with the other and each would deny fault. The truth is that both were destroying each other. It was sad to witness and the best thing that could have happened was for them to split and move on.

Both loved the other truly, however. That part was painfully obvious.

The idea of Joanie now claiming she knew nothing about the sex tape and using the word "rape" at all is laughable. But for her only. Outside of selling her new disgusting porno, she's only doing this to hurt Sean and I'm sure it's working. Sean Waltman is a very emotional human being and stuff like this hurts him more than makes him angry.

Joanie isn't stupid. In fact, she's actually a very intelligent person. She apparently refuses to show that these days. She's been given multiple opportunities and chances in life to do better and she's burned every bridge along the way.

Good luck with your pursuit to make it back to one of the feds, Joanie. The sooner your realize it's not going to happen, the better for everyone. There's always Vivid though.

Wrestling's loss is their loss, too.