What’s Bothering Me? (In Professional Wrestling)

TNA's Tag Team Division

I guess I should be happy they put the tag titles on a team fans actually care about. Mexican America was flat and going nowhere, so a change was in order. I honestly thought they were going to give Ink, Inc. a chance to run with the straps, but apparently Jesse Neal isn't going to be working there much longer.

Crimson and Matt Morgan were the best alternative, I guess. That's what bothers me. When I think back at TNA's tag team division in years past, it was one of the more positive points to make about the company. There were always three or four tag teams at any given time with a viable shot at being credible Champions or challengers.

That's clearly not the case anymore.

Crimson and Morgan winning the titles this week mean nothing for the division itself. In fact, it was only done to further the feud between the two of them. And while I've enjoyed their recent work together and think they need focus going forward, the titles weren't needed.