Stars In Progress…Turning Point, DiBiase, Ziggler & More

One Intense Step Up

I get what TNA sees in Crimson. There's something about him that oozes "bad ass". Not always, but most of the time. He still needs work – especially in the ring – but he's maneagable in every aspect.

I think most internet wrestling fans' biggest complaint with Crimson isn't his ability or potential. They may say that, but I don't think it's true. I believe it has more to do with the "streak" gimmick TNA has focused on with Crimson. Rather than letting his consecutive wins speak on their own, TNA is hyping it up every chance they get.

Everyone compares any win streak these days to Goldberg. And it NEVER compares.

I can understand that, but I think Matt Morgan will help in that area. Morgan, by size alone, isn't the typical opponent for Crimson to gain a victory over. He also has experience and longevity on his side. A win over Morgan on a pay per view stage should do more for Crimson than any other win he's gotten throughout this whole "streak" story.

If TNA still has plans to push Crimson as hard as they were originally going to, then this Sunday will be a tell-tale sign. On the flipside, I think the momentum of "the streak" has been delayed too much due to Crimson's injury for it to help Matt Morgan the way it should – should he be the one to break it this Sunday or anytime soon.


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