Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 11-7-2011

WWE RawNovember 7, 2011 from Liverpool, England

Opening Segment:

John Cena talks about The Rock, as well as Miz and Truth. He gets interrupted by them, as Truth and Miz talk about being beat last week. They basically go on to talk about how they should not be taken lightly because of it. The Miz reminds us he beat Cena at WrestleMania, as well as their beat down two weeks ago. Cena says he is not scared because he has a future Hall of Famer as his partner. Out comes Zack Ryder to save Cena.

What I Liked:

The exchange of words to make it more relevant, as last week was ridiculous to have Cena win. We need to believe that Cena NEEDS The Rock to beat them. They begin to hype the Survivor Series match, which definitely needs it to continue its steam forward. I also enjoyed Ryder coming out, as it sets up the main event of the night.

What I Disliked:

I understand Ryder got attacked last week, but I just wonder why they are not focusing his pursuit of the United States Championship more than having him team with Cena. Will Ryder become less popular because of Cena and his friendship? I fear this is a possibility because WWE will use anyone to continue to make Cena a face, including a popular Punk, Triple H, and the list goes on for years. 

Grade: B+

Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison:

What I Liked:   

The athleticism that was displayed throughout the match. Also, it was nice to see John Morrison being used in a length match, with great spots. He has been a whipping boy since August, and he was exposed in a great light on Raw. Ziggler is such a great in ring competitor, as he continues to evolve in the ring with his personality and charisma.

What I Disliked:

The victory of John Morrison confuses me a little bit, as Ryder is the number one contender for Dolph's title. What plans do they have for Morrison, because this match could be completely meaningless if they do not do SOMETHING with Morrison. It would make Ziggler look weak and a questionable champion. I think Morrison needs to be back into a tag team, build him up there once again, and then have him turn heel. He is much better in that aspect, and desperately needs a character change to be built back up into something relevant.

Grade: B+


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