Stars In Progress…Storm/Roode, Bryan, Miz/Truth, Foley

Evan Bourne Suspended

One High Step Down

I hear that "fake pot" is the new thing in WWE. I'm not implying that a certain current WWE Tag Team Champion is smoking it, but I thought it was worth noting nonetheless.

I have mixed feelings about Air Boom. I loved the idea of putting them together initially and with reports of Triple H wanting to strengthen the tag team division, I thought putting the straps on them was a good start. However, it just doesn't seem to me like they've clicked as Champions yet.

Clearly, it starts with the name. Air Boom – a lazy effort, plain and simple. I also think they're a little…hokey? Yeah, that's the word.

Regardless, it's never good when a WWE Champion gets suspended. 30 days is a long time in pro wrestling these days – especially when you're supposed to be representing a developing division. Air Boom needed consistency and this is definitely a setback.

I can't say I know Bourne's situation and it hasn't been released as to why he was actually suspended, but he needs to be smarter, regardless. Wrestlers, in general, need to be smarter than that.