Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 11-4-2011

Mark Henry vs. Daniel Bryan:

What I Liked:

The abilities of Bryan and Henry to adapt to a complete opposite opponent with different skill sets. The match was decent, but it was supposed to focus on Show more than Bryan. They teased Money in the Bank, finally! They need to expose Bryan, highlight what he has and what he did in July, and continue to build him in some way or another. He needs to be taken seriously, not buried each week.

What I Disliked:

The DQ ending. I feel like they could have done more if Bryan won with an assist from the Big Show. That would give Bryan something to brag about, and could easily provide him with a confidence boost. This also would cause Show and Henry's feud, and potentially add Bryan into the main event picture somehow. Maybe Bryan turns on Show if he would win the title, or even something like trying to cash in a few times on Henry. Be creative.

Grade: B-

Smackdown Grade: B-

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