WrestleZone Top Ten: TNA Debuts

Number 4: Hulk Hogan: January 4, 2010

His name is the most known name in professional wrestling history. Hulk Hogan took over the reigns of TNA with Eric Bischoff in 2010 to try and compete with the WWE. Although his wrestling was less to be desired for in the brief periods he has had, Hogan made drastic changes to potentially get them over the 1.0 rating hump. He marketed, campaigned, and really exposed light onto this “growing” company. Hogan did all he could to make it better, but some decisions were questionable. Hogan would continue to try and make an Impact each week, and he has. Whether you like it or not, Hogan made TNA known, made TNA relevant, and made TNA be seen to a mass multimedia perspective.


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