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Jeff Hardy's In-Ring Return
One "Back To Normal" Step Up

There was never any doubt in mind that fans would welcome Jeff Hardy back with open arms. We don't care about his personal problems or hold them against him. Not for long, anyway. We feel bad for Jeff and want to see him do better with the second chance he's been given.

Jeff HardyI think a lot of it has to do with the easy comparisons made between him and his brother. They may be forever linked together, but only by name. Jeff is the "better" Hardy in most fans' eyes. He has more talent.  He's cooler. He's a lot less annoying. And more importantly, I believe he's much more humble than his brother. He's easy to like.

Jeff kept his mouth shut. When he did something horribly wrong, he didn't use YouTube, Twitter or media to try and justify his actions. He didn't put it over as a good thing and swear by tomorrow.  He went out of sight and subsequently, out of mind. Then, upon return, people had forgotten just how bad what it did actually was. Add to that, TNA's portrayal of Hardy as the sympathetic figure shunned by everyone around him – it's easy to understand why fans are so willing to forgive.

I have no idea whether Jeff has truly changed his life around for the better and if he was ready mentally to return to TNA. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of his, but I'm not naive enough to realize I'm in the minority on that one. Fans love the Hardys – especially Jeff. He should be wrestling.  And maybe this time around, he'll learn to respect that fact and do something different.


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