Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 10-28-2011

C.M. Punk vs. Christian:

A fantastic main event match to finish off a rather solid Smackdown show. Two greatly equal talents in the ring, one who is a quick striker and finisher and another who is intelligent, who uses his chemistry and athleticism to build offense. CM Punk picks up the win with a GTS. Del Rio was at ringside and tried to distract punk. Sheamus also comes out and distracts Christian, which sets up the win.

What I Liked:

From the first to the fifteenth minute, I was into this match. Heavily contested, Punk and Christian worked great together. I feel like Christian had more offense over Punk, but when Punk took over, the crowd got into it and the overall pace of the match picked up. Both of these guys are wonderful, and know how to execute every single move. I loved how Punk overcame the distraction, but Christian could not. This fueled two feuds for us to see. Well done.

What I Disliked:

Having Ricardo Rodriguez distract every single time. I wish we got more Del Rio and Punk fighting one another, or even having Ricardo take a back seat. He always does the same exact thing each week. We need a main focus on the opponents, the feud, and not an announcer/manager for Del Rio. He needs to show something more individually.

Grade: B+

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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