The Cashbox: Top 10 Wrestlers in the Business Right Now

#1. Mark Henry

Did you guess it?  You should have.  

Mark Henry is the best thing going on wrestling tv today, in my opinion.  His match with Big Show at Vengeance gave me hope that this program might have some legs to it.  He has found his element and seems to keep getting better every week.  I wish WWE would exploit his animalistic instinct a bit more though.  He should be put over even further as a monster that will literally not stop at anything to get what he wants.  

And in NO circumstance should they EVER show Henry running away from a match again the way they did at Sunday's event.  It makes no sense for his character to do that, even if it is Big Show.  Show doesn't need help looking tough.  

For once WWE, let a heel stay strong.  Don't shy away and revert back to the typical, cowardly acts you feel a heel must display.  Not with Mark Henry.

Chris Cash can be followed on Twitter @RealityofChris.  Tweet him your "Top 10" lists or email them to [email protected]!