Pay-Per-Review: 2011 WWE Vengeance PPV

TO GET TO THE POINT: I wrote in my "Stars in Progress" column that I expected last night's Vengeance to steamroll stories and set up next month's Survivor Series pay per view.  I also stated that it would present some sort of clarity in WWE's direction going forward that would carry over well into tonight's edition of Monday Night Raw.  I was almost right.  It was clear WWE wanted to use Vengeance as a launch pad for Survivor Series and there is some definite fall-out that will continue on Raw tonight, but there wasn't much clarity at all.  

I'm really only referring to the Punk/HHH vs Truth/Miz story and Kevin Nash's return.  Everything else on the pay per view made sense and WWE's intentions were obvious.  There's only one mind-boggling concern I have as a result of last night's event.

Specifically, Nash's return didn't seem to set anything up other than a personal one-on-one feud between him and Hunter.  While that is a logical story, it doesn't best utilize Kevin and his limited upside that just continues to decrease with every appearance.  Is he with Miz and Truth or not?  If he is, why didn't he join them in the attack on Cena during the main event?  

Kevin Nash should not be used on his own very often.  He is best suited these days as a handcuff to younger guys a la his bodyguard role with Shawn Michaels back in the mid-90's.  He could carry the role of the "muscle" in a group or faction.  But Kevin Nash today as a main event single's competitor simply won't work on a consistent basis.  

The original plan, from what I had been hearing, was for Nash, Miz and Truth to begin a new group with Vince McMahon as the puppet master pulling the strings in order to get his company back.  What I am now hearing is that Vince has changed his mind on factions, in general.  If that's honestly the case, I am very concerned for the future of this storyline, for everyone's sake.  Miz and Truth were primed and ready to be that new "outlaw" duo that said and did as they please under the guidance of Kevin Nash.  Nash would have added the "been there, done that" effect.  But now what?

What transpired on last night's pay per view still set up the planned Cena/Rock/Triple H/Punk vs Nash/Miz/Truth/maybe Del Rio match for Survivor Series, but in a completely new light than originally planned.  Rather than it being a strong, new faction led by Vince McMahon vs the company's top babyfaces, it will now be separate, small, personal stories all rolled into one.  Punk vs Del Rio, Nash vs Triple H, Miz & Truth vs everyone, and the Cena/Rock undertone taking priority.  

Things could still change and maybe Vince will "re-change" his mind on the whole faction idea, but if not, that would be my only major complaint with Vengeance as a whole.  WWE set things in motion last night, but I'm afraid those things are now going to be the wrong, less compelling scenarios.


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