What’s Bothering Me? (In Professional Wrestling)

#1. Eric Bischoff Rags The Dirtsheets Again

I respect Eric Bischoff.  Find him highly entertaining.  It's amusing to me when he takes shots at the "10 percenters" as he likes to call them for being negative toward the wrestling business.  

Bischoff's latest jab via Twitter: "Ever notice how the shows that the dirt sites put over get the lowest ratings and the ones they bury get the highest? hmmmm."

I would assume (I don't ever want to say again that I "know" what Bischoff means when he says, writes, or tweets something) he is referring to the recent criticism this past week's edition of "Impact Wrestling" received by wrestling writers and editorialists online.  I was one of them that gave TNA grief for all the talking on Thursday's broadcast and the extremely limited amount of actual wrestling.  Typically, that doesn't bother me at all.  This week, it seemed overboard and ridiculous.

The anticipated follow-up from Bound For Glory, Hogan's face turn, and word leaking that James Storm would be winning the World Heavyweight Championship probably had a lot to do with the increased numbers.  Congratulations, TNA.  I'm happy that people gave your product a chance, but Bischoff should know as well as anyone that a significant increase in one week's rating doesn't actually reflect fan opinion of that particular show.  Typically, it's the previous week that determines the success or failure of the next week's show.  In this case, it was Bound For Glory the night before.

If I recall, last year's Impact broadcast following Bound For Glory did a 1.4, only to drop to a 1.16 the following week.  If history repeats itself this year, will Bischoff stand by his claim?  How could he?  

The love/hate relationship Bischoff seems to have with a particular portion of the IWC is entertaining and makes for great water cooler talk, but I think a lot of it is just for show.  I'm not calling Bischoff a lying manipulator, by the way.  I am, however, saying that he knows how to push our buttons and is smart enough to understand that it doesn't matter what they're saying as long as they're at least talking about you.


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