What’s NOT Bothering Me (In Professional Wrestling)

Impact Wrestling

TNA (can I still call them that?) on Thursday nights has been very enjoyable lately.  They seem to have found a very simple formula for their tv shows and it works.  They are still missing that formula for their pay per views, but that's okay – no one buys them anyway.

Taking Impact out of Florida as much as they have recently doesn't hurt either.  The fresh crowds really add a lot to how the show comes across to the viewing audience at home.  Personally, I think the Impact Zone has become jaded.  Relaxed.  Spoiled.  I understand that the logistics don't allow for it full-time yet, but TNA should do it as often as they can.

When you break it down, I think TNA is doing better than WWE even when it comes to giving relevance to storylines across the board.  They don't put all their energy into "just" the main event (although Angle/Roode as been great too).  Look at Anderson/Bully Ray. Karen Angle being added to the Knockouts.  Styles/Daniels.  The X-Division is better.  The Samoa Joe/Matt Morgan/Crimson triangle.  Eric Young, people?  Mexican America and Ink, Inc.  Jerry Lynn and RVD even.

I'm not saying all of it's always good all the time, but everyone seems to have a place and some sort of level of importance.  That's enough for me.

Then, of course, you have Sting and Hogan.  Personally, that's my least favorite part of the shows each week.  It's not because of Sting either.  Whether you love or hate the "Joker" gimmick, give him some credit for repackaging himself this late in his career.  It should be easy to do when you still see Hogan being the same ol' Hogan we've ALWAYS seen. A lesser version at that.

You may not love everything every week on Impact, but overall, it's much better than it used to be.


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