Title This: Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 10-14-2011

Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston and Zack Ryder/ What Happened:

First, Ryder's music gets a tweak, with a WWWYKI before the song starts. He subs in for an injured Bourne. Swagger and Ryder really start the match off on a good note, with fast paced action and a few nice spots, including a flap jack and a belly to back suplex. Kofi comes in, flies through the ropes onto Swagger and Ziggler. Ryder gets a hot tag, takes out Ziggler, including a Broski Boot. Kofi hits Trouble in Paradise, and Ryder pins Ziggler once again.

What I Liked:

The transition in the match to include all four guys, without having any look really weak. Ryder gets the pinfall victory, once again thanks to Kofi. Air Boom still looks strong, after losing a few times to Jack and Dolph. The Tag Team Division has officially been on the rise in the WWE, thanks to these four guys. Also, Ryder winning was a nice touch, as he pulls out a victory again on the United States Champion Dolph Ziggler. This continues the waiting game to when he will get a title shot.

What I Disliked:

Not much actually. The action was great, the hot tags worked perfectly, and the timing and essence of a thrown together tag team was great. I like how Ryder got the pin, thanks again from Kofi. They once again get back on track, and this feud continues to intrigue me. I really want to see where this goes, as they can continue to build tag teams through single stars. They need to have real tag teams enter at some point to try and take over… When will that happen?

Grade: A


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