The Cashbox: 5 Reasons Why Raw Disappointed This Week

I know WWE couldn't have 99% of their employees sitting on the sidelines for a long period of time, but 30 minutes into Raw this week, everything was back to business as usual.  

HHH, the COO, had the WWE Universe collectively booing "everyone" that wasn't him.  And for what?  He wasn't even an active wrestler at the time.  Who benefited by him saying he could wrestle a broom to a better match than half the guys in the parking lot?  Put your hands down people, it's obvious.  

I was a fan of the walkout last week, but if WWE couldn't follow up with anything better than the crap they put out this week, they should have never considered it in the first place.  There were a hundred other ways to get Hunter out of power if that's what it was supposed to be about.  Nothing was accomplished, no one got over as a result (other than Hunter, I guess), and it did zero to sell Vengeance, which is less than two weeks away.

It was a mess.


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