Top Ten: WWE Superstar Debuts

Number 9: Eric Bischoff July 15, 2002 WWE Monday Night Raw

WCW, bought in 2001 by Vince McMahon, was the most crucial business decision in Professinal Wrestling history. The man who dominated the WWE in ratings was Eric Bischoff. While Booker T was seen with the biggest shock on his face, nobody expected to see Eric Bischoff on WWE TV. When that went to commercial, the mystery of the Raw GM was solved. This cultivated the racy, attitude, and pushy limits that we would see for the next few years. Bischoff was the main guy responsible for creativity, for making wrestling "cool." When Vince hired him, you knew that Vince would do anything for his company to make it better. He did just that when Bischoff was shown on WWE. The shock value itself made everything fit.


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