As always, email what's bothering you in professional wrestling each week to [email protected]. I'll be using fan responses each week at the end of this feature.
#3: WWE Pleasing Internet Fans
There was a recent report posted here on stating that "the WWE has been talking about doing more angles that address what the internet fans complain about in the current product."
Despite the vagueness in the report itself, this is a dumb move by WWE if it's accurate. I'm not saying that the IWC's critiques of the current product are wrong, but they are definitely not consistent and will only hinder WWE's attempts at putting on quality television each and every week.
I'm a part of the audience this report is referring to and I can even say that we are impossible to please. We're jaded. We think we know everything. All of this when the reality is simple – most of us would fail – and fail miserably – if we were ever put in a position to run or write a wrestling television show.
Again, I don't know if the report is even accurate and if it is, to what extent WWE plans on "pleasing" us, but there is very little WWE could actually learn from internet wrestling fans they don't already know. Want an example? It's this easy: the internet fans as a collective whole think John Cena is overrated, sucks, and shouldn't be where he is when every single business acumen suggests and proves otherwise. Yes, let's listen and accommodate "those" people.
Not every online wrestling fan is this way, but as a general rule, good is rarely gained when a professional wrestling company listens to, reacts to, or appeases the Internet Wrestling Community. The only way it can work is if WWE uses the online wrestling community as a study group for research and analysis – nothing more. But honestly, they should already be doing that.