Mount Killamanjaro: 2011 WWE Hell in a Cell PPV Preview

Mount Killamanjaro: Going to Hell

by Mike Killam

Chris Cash inspired me earlier in the week with his column “the Cashbox” on Wrestlezone. I suddenly had a vision of half a dozen weekly columns featuring bad puns somehow related to their author's name, and thus Mount Killamanjaro was born! Welcome to it ladies and gentlemen of all ages, as we begin our Preview of WWE Hell in a Cell…

WWE Divas Championship

Kelly Kelly(c) vs. Beth Phoenix

This will be the third WWE PPV in a row to feature Kelly and Beth in a singles match for the Divas title, and while I won't say that all momentum has been lost, it surely will be if the champion retains tonight. I credit the WWE for making a new champ in Kelly Kelly and giving her consistent wins and a lengthy run. Kelly is a great face for the division, and no matter the heat the internet has on her, I still think she's shown remarkable improvement since winning the title. But it's simply not possible to continue her momentum and efficiently push her challengers at the same time. Beth and Natalya have peaked a lot of interest as the Divas of Doom, but they simple haven't done anything yet! My biggest question is why Natalya has become the Evan Bourne of their tag team. She takes all the falls and losses while Beth gets title match after title match, and comes up short? And as a dominant heel she's supposed to be alright with that? I don't think so… They missed the mark at Night of Champions by failing to pull the trigger in Beth's hometown, and agree or disagree with that decision, I don't see them doing it tonight either.

Prediction: Kelly Kelly retains the WWE Divas championship, likely by disqualification.