What’s Bothering Me? (In Professional Wrestling)

Thanks to everyone who emailed in with what's bothering you this week.  Please continue to do so every week for inclusion in a future edition of this column by sending them to [email protected].  

What's Bothering WZ Reader Roland…

What's up, Chris? What bothers me the most is the lack of credibility of the Intercontinental Title. Just think, at one time Hulk Hogan was a 3 count away in the main event at Wrestlemania 6 from becoming Intercontinental Champion – that's how important that title was at one time. It was actually when the Warrior vacated the belt and Mr. Perfect won the tournament to become the new IC champ that the title truly became the WWE's "cool title." Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, and Razor Ramon usually stole the show on cards either defending or challenging for the IC gold. I just feel the belt isnt being taken serious enough. It's rarely even defended at WrestleMania anymore. Cody Rhodes is a pretty good representitive of the belt, but main eventers like Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, the Miz, R-truth, and even John Morrison would not be taking a step back in my opinion if they won the belt. All you have to do is give them viable opponents and the importance of the title won't be questioned.

Three things that are bothering WZ reader Shawn Forester…

1) Most of the champions aren't being utilized properly. This has been going on for a long while and I don't like it. Examples from the past year or two:

-Jack Swagger: Won the WHC from Chris Jericho the Smackdown after Wrestlemania 26, was mostly overshadowed by CM Punk/Rey Mysterio, had a lousy feud with the Big Show, dropped the title in June, hasn't been near the main event scene since.

-Alberto Del Rio: His entire reign was tainted by the CM Punk/HHH storyline, dropped the title straight to Cena. Talk about blasting through months of storyline in a few weeks.

– Any tag team since the unification: This is starting to turn around, but the fact remains that the champion team of the time holds on to the titles for a while because there's simply not enough competition. That right there is an insult to the belts.

-Dolph Ziggler: There really hasn't been a good title feud for him, and his own reign has been overshadowed by his fighting with Swagger. Let them feud for the title or take the title off Ziggler so they can feud, one or the other.

– Cody Rhodes: He beat Zeke for the title and defended well in a rematch… Then nada except a match with DiBiase built upon one attack/bagging and one retaliation? Build your feuds before throwing 'em in a title match. Even Kelly Kelly is getting more build for her title matches.

IW is guilty here as well:

– Kurt Angle: I just find this whole reign to be tainted by Immortal. I could be wrong but that's what's being presented to me.

– Mexican America/Tara-Tessmacher: Lack of viable competition + being busy with other things= Bad use of champions

– Eric Young: He's just not being utilized properly in general. Has the potential to be a main-eventer but keeps getting stuck in these comedy things, including the dropping of the pants as a "hulk-up" of sorts.

2) John Cena. I get it, he's a top draw, if not THE top draw. However, there has been very little to no character development. I'd be happy with a simple tweener run, full-out heel turn not required. This isn't the 1980s. Super_____ gimmicks simply don't work anymore.

3. Too much "Creative has nothing for you". This goes for both IW and WWE. Both rosters are bloated with guys that aren't seeing regular use. Time to trim the fat or expand to accommodate the people.

Chris Cash can be reached by emailing [email protected] or following him on Twitter @RealityofChris.  Check out his review of tonight's HIAC pay per view tomorrow and tune in live tomorrow night from 7-8 EST as Chris hosts the Voice of Wrestling radio show, exclusively on WrestleZone.com and VOWLive.com.