What’s Bothering Me? (In Professional Wrestling)

I plan on having special guests drop by sometimes to contribute to this feature. This week, WrestleZone.com's Nick Paglino shares with you what's bothering him in professional wrestling…

What's Bothering Nick? Anal Bleeding.

Well, to clarify, my anal bleeding is not bothering me. At my age, I've learned to keep it under control. But Michael Cole referencing someone else's anal bleeding is definitely bothersome. Even more bothersome? The fact that Vince McMahon loves it. Although, that shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

To those who long for the "Attitude Era" to make its much desired return, beware, people giving birth to hands and a plethora of anal bleeding jokes are what await you. I think fans tend to forget that the Attitude Era ushered in as much low brow potty humor as it did edgy characters and story lines. And when you're having to please a boss who seems eternally to be a creative teenager, you're not going to get material that's much "smarter than a 5th grader."

This is why I fear the worst for the Muppets. "The Muppet Show," in its heyday, was a variety act that entertained both adults and children. As soon as WWE announced that The Muppets were coming to Raw, the "Anti-PG" voices sang loudly, protesting that having Muppets on the show was a bad idea as it would inherently promote the PG aspect of WWE. But those voices couldn't be more wrong. In theory, having The Muppets on any TV show would mean forward thinking cabaret, which is why top celebrities clamored to be guests on "The Muppet Show" years ago. Children liked to watch The Muppets, yet adults liked to listen to them. But WWE will dumb it down, unfortunately, because having The Great Khali argue with Miss Piggy over who is more comprehensible is what Vince is likely to think The Muppets "represent." Sadly, that idea might be funnier than whatever WWE does come up with.


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