What’s Bothering Me? (In Professional Wrestling)

Too Many Authority Figures

Yes, TNA is the worst at it, but even WWE goes over the top these days with their authority figures.  Triple H as the new COO.  Johnny Ace as the Executive Vice President Bla Bla…Zack Ryder is the Ass. General Manager on Smackdown and Teddy Long is making matches on Raw?  And I guess you still have the Anonymous GM on Raw lurking around somewhere.  They still set up the podium and computer each week, don't they?

Hogan, Bischoff, the Network, at one point Foley and Dixie..Jeff/Karen Jarrett…Kurt Angle even recently set up weeks worth of matches for the number one contender!  

Authority figures are absolutely needed in professional wrestling.  They provide structure and order, plus if that person is a good "character", they can give rubs to a variety of superstars that need it.  Vince McMahon is the ultimate example as the perfect "boss" figure and has played that role exceptionally well over the years.  Still does.  

I'm tired of multiple people being able to call the shots on my wrestling shows.  One person is enough per program.  Then, when the rare time comes for you to have some sort of power struggle and shift in balance, it works.  When it's every damn week, it gets tiresome, often confusing, and ineffective.


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