Now this article may become as controversial as the man I’m writing about but I have to get a few things of my chest…
John Cena is now a 10 time WWE Champion and 2 time World Heavyweight Champion. Are you serious!? The man is 34 years old and he has already surpassed legends as The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and Eddie Guerrero!
Now I know straight away I’m going to be accused of being a John Cena hater but as I said, this is something I’ve got to get out there. I know Randy Orton is an 11 time champion and is only 31 years old but there is a massive difference between the superstars.
Randy Orton has the ability to make me take note, he has the ability for me to believe that he has just snapped (just look at this week’s Smackdown!) He has the ability to make someone look great and nine times out of ten he will have the best match on the card. John Cena on the other hand doesn’t. Randy Orton makes his opponents look great. Look at the people he has faced on TV alone in recent weeks and then compare them to John Cena.
John Cena is cheesy, he is lacking in ring skills and to be perfectly honest, he never carries someone in a match. Orton will carry nearly all his matches. If John Cena is put in the ring with someone who is lacking skills the match is terrible. The man hasn’t honed his craft over the years he has simply become comfortable.
People have argued about how Alberto Del Rio was the simple choice for the Night of Champions and as usual John Cena comes in and buries his opponent. What purpose at all was there for him to win that match? WWE seem to be going through the process of quickly taking the title from him and putting it right back on as a way to bring his reigns up to scratch.
If Del Rio doesn’t win the title back at Hell in a Cell then where does that leave him!?
We all got excited at the start of this summer as we had CM Punk win the WWE title and leave the company. Everyone rejoiced that Cena wasn’t champion and he was going to be fired for failing to protect the WWE. Now what do we have? Punk caught in the middle of a feud which is quickly starting to make no sense and John Cena is back on top of the mountain.
The next big argument I hear is that it isn’t John Cena’s fault, that WWE doesn’t feel it can have the company not have either Orton or Cena as the champion. Well, this is where I draw the line… John Cena is just as much to blame as WWE’s direction. Are you seriously telling me that a man that has been on top of the company for over 5 years doesn’t have some stroke? He could have surely turned round and said “No, I think it would be better if Del Rio goes over tonight as it will make him look strong” but no, screw it, I’ll annihilate him instead.
How many people have faced Cena in the main event and beaten him straight up? Even when Punk pulled out the victory of the decade at Money in the Bank we still had the interference factor just so he could turn round and have an excuse, but in typical cheesy fashion John Cena won’t mention that. He’ll just move on. He is put across as the most perfect person on the planet and it’s something that really tugs on my testicles!
Orton on the other hand is human, he loses, he has weaknesses and he most certainly has faults… He is someone that you can believe in and relate too and I’m not even the biggest Orton fan out there!
Shawn Michaels came back in 2002 and from 2003 – 2010 he was the most consistent performer in WWE yet he never once held the world championships during that period of time. John Cena doesn’t need to be anywhere near the world title picture to draw people. Yet consistently, common sense and realistic booking goes out of the window! I breathed a sigh of relief when Cena was involved in the Nexus angle last year and yet they wouldn’t even take his damn shirt off when he joined the group, they couldn’t even take him of TV for longer than 24 hours when he was fired!
WWE are blame for the lack of originality for John Cena but the actual man himself is to blame for not relating to the audience as a whole. Nobody likes someone who excels in everything and is so perfect that you struggle to find a flaw, it’s not drawing me in and it’s definitely pushing me away.
Small things begin to bug me, like everyone else who has been punted in the head has disappeared for 3 months whereas John Cena gets up after 3 minutes. John Cena makes fun at Del Rio’s rental cars, a funny comment at first but something that starts to a bury a man after doing it straight for 3 weeks.
I believe it was Chavo Guerrero who commended John Cena for being committed to one thing… The Gym. He has hardly done anything to improve within the ropes and to be honest; if you watch his work from years ago he was far better. I’m fed up with his response to everyone saying he cannot wrestle when he tries to prove them wrong with starting every match with a basic headlock as if he is a technical marvel. I’m fed up of him being able to make everyone tap out (the most humiliating defeat possible) when he doesn’t have a technical bone in his body! I’m fed up of his ability to not sell moves within a match and not tell a story in the ring and I’m fed up of him getting a massive response from a crowd when he has hardly done much to generate it.
It wouldn’t take much for me to change my tune about Cena. A little more effort in the ring, a few flaws in his character and the ability to make his opponents look as good as they make him, but with the way they are booking Cena I’m sure he’ll be a 20 time champion within 4 years and piss all over the legendary return of Ric Flair.
Gone are the days of 5 years title reigns, gone are the days when watching that title change hands was a massive event in the world of wrestling, gone are the days when that belt meant something and gone are the days when the WWE Championship was the most attractive belt in pro wrestling.
I really hope the upcoming rivalry between The Rock and John Cena allows WWE to finally start putting some flaws into John Cena’s character otherwise I’ll be forced to have to fast forward through every match he has because this wrestling fan has simply had enough…
Contact Martyn Nolan at [email protected] or on Twitter at @BeansOnToastUK