Stars in Progress…Night of Champs, Sting/Hogan & More

Oh, Matt Hardy
One Sad Step Down

"To each and every one of you: we all have choices in life; we all have to make decisions.  I've been making a lot of the right ones lately and that's what I strongly ask each and every one of you to do as well.  Take control of your life and empower yourself because Matt Hardy has empowered himself".  -Matt Hardy quote from the September 6th video on his YouTube account.  

If you take away the patronizing, condescending, self-serving nature in which he talks to his fans, it's still garbage.  

Matt, how many "right decisions" could you have possibly made since your last "incident" that would allow them to fall into the "a lot" category?  The mere fact that you believe fans even take you serious enough to listen just proves ignorance.  

You know the funny part in all of this?  I'm not one that thinks Matt's recent mishaps are even that big of a deal.  DUI's are common and celebrities are no exception, other than the fact that a lot of them don't drive as much as the average person.  They don't have to work normal hours, they get transportation paid for most of the time when they travel and have disposable income available (in most cases) to pay for a safe way home if they do go out and get hammered.  

The suicide note was stupid and stupidity is easily forgiven by most.  

Denial is what makes Matt look bad, weak and desperate.  Assuming he and his brother are still viewed in the same light as they were ten years ago is laughable.  They still have fans and just like family, they will be there through thick and thin.  But it's family you can't fool.  They read through your bullshit.  It's just that they support you, regardless of it.    

Unfortunately, it makes them enablers.

Matt, your life hasn't changed.  You're not better.  Quit trying to convince us that you have and focus on convincing yourself that you haven't.  THEN, you might have a chance of recovery.  If you don't care about that, just admit it and move forward with your life as is.  At least, that's respectable.  Denial is one of the only colors uglier than yellow on a person.


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