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Great Khali/Jinder Mahal
One Giant Step Down

Great Khali hasn't been must-see tv in…well, ever.  He still hasn't been since being paired with Jinder Mahal, but he had become at least watchable.  The two had direction and that's more than can be said for Khali's entire WWE career.  

On Smackdown last night, their storyline came to an abrupt head as Mahal's verbal assaults on Khali continued during their tag match with Air Boom and the 7'4 giant finally had enough.  That's it?  Just like that?  

Whether you enjoyed their time together on camera, hated it, or were indifferent, I hate it when mid-card stories get wasted.  It's not very often someone like Great Khali gets any serious angle thrown his way and while I understand fans aren't glued to their flat screens every time Khali and Mahal appear, it was still enjoyable.  

I think Jinder Mahal is very good.  He has a lot of positives and I hope this just means he'll get more focus as a singles competitor.  There's certain stars that don't have to work hard to be a good heel and Mahal has that quality.  Let's just hope that he doesn't get lost immediately working opposite the ring from Khali.


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