Stars In Progress…Henry As Champ?, Del Rio, Bully Ray, More

Mark Henry Continues To Dominate
One More Step Up

I said a couple weeks ago in this column that I didn't know if I could see Mark Henry as the World Heavyweight Champion.  I was DEAD wrong! He just might be the best thing going right now on Smackdown.  

His opening segment last night on Smackdown with Zack Ryder was very entertaining. Some credit goes to Ryder as well for playing the part well and making Henry look even better, but there's not much help needed right now.  Henry has found his groove and it doesn't seem like he's going to be slowing down anytime soon.  

One part that impresses me even further is Henry's improvement in the ring.  It's amazing what you can do with a guy that is limited in the ring when you strap him with the right gimmick that doesn't ask for much.  Hide his weaknesses and showcase his strengths.  

It's crazy I'm writing this, but I "could" actually see Mark Henry with the World title around his waist.  Well, maybe not literally…

Mark Henry may be going up, but there's two Smackdown stars that went the opposite direction…


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