Stars In Progress…Angle Arrested, Nash/Punk & More

Kurt Angle Gets Busted
One Influenced Step Down

Public image is very important for any company these days.  With organizations out there making headway in their fight against drunk driving, abuse and other significant causes, celebrities are under even more pressure to stay clean and out of the spotlight when it involves negative situations such as these.  

TNA's Champion, Kurt Angle, was arrested for driving under the influence.  He passed a breathalizer and has publicly stated that he was not "drunk".  If he passed the test, I'm going to say that he wasn't…drunk.  But the unfortunate truth is that Kurt Angle was arrested for being "under the influence" of something.  

I'm sure cops assume it's alcohol 75% of the time or more and are probably only wrong 20% of that.  When they are wrong, it's probably only about the substance that caused the individual to be impaired and not whether they actually are.  If it's not alcohol, it's probably marijuana, speed or pills.  As far as which category Kurt may have fell into, guess away.  

Are there corrupt cops?  Of course, but there isn't a conspiracy against the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.  This is the second time Kurt Angle has been arrested for a DUI (coincidentally, he was the TNA Champion both times).  Numerous co-workers have spokent out publicly about Kurt and his addictions.  He was put on "death watch" by some at one point.  Suffice it to say, it's not that much of a stretch to think he was definitely under the influence at the time of arrest.  

As a big fan of Kurt Angle, the wrestler, I hate it.  It's clear that Kurt has gone through a lot in recent years, physically and emotionally.  I wish him nothing but the best in everything he does, especially in professional wrestling where he has entertained for years and years.  However, your personal life often intertwines with your professional life when you're a celebrity and Kurt simply has to make better decisions.  

Everyone makes mistakes, as Jim Ross stated on Twitter when asked about Kurt's situation, but while that's true, the idea is to learn from those mistakes and do something different.  

Only Kurt Angle knows his true condition the other night when those lights were going off behind him, but regardless what it was, I hope he's taking care of himself and learning from these experiences.


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