Breaking Down the Nash/Punk Angle; w/ Several News Updates

Triple H

Motive: Hunter's reason for wanting to send a message to CM Punk is understandable, but why would he want to take out Cena?  Maybe he doesn't and he knew that CM Punk was going to win.  He was the referee, mind you, so maybe his target was always Punk and he "innocently" screwed Cena to make it go down that certain way.  If he texted Nash "stick CM Punk", it could have drawn too much attention to him as the suspect, so he needed to cover his ass all the way around.

How he could have done it: Um, it was his phone so he simply texted Nash and followed Tot Mom's rules on getting away with murder: DENY, DENY AND LIE!

Magic 8 Ball Says: "Outlook good"

John Laurinaitis (a.k.a. Executive Vice President of Talent Relations)

Motive: Cena jacked him in his jaw at MITB and Punk has called him out for what he actually is every chance he's had.

How he could have done it: This is the tricky part for me when it comes to Johnny Ace being the guilty party.  I guess he could have snuck the text to Nash during a meeting with Hunter during the show, but that's stretching it a bit.

Magic 8 Ball Says: "Don't count on it"

Quick aside: If I were him, I'd fire myself for having no "talent" even remotely "related" to acting.

Stephanie McMahon

Motive: Punk straight up dissed her!  But again, why Cena?  Well, he's the one that got her daddy fired.  But that isn't logical – you know she wanted that old bastard out of the way so her and her hubby can take over.  Maybe she just thought Punk was better than Cena and knew he would win, so she took her chances and rolled the dice.  A legit 50/50 is better than any odds you'll get in Vegas, so it was worth the shot.  Why wouldn't she have just texted Nash to take out Punk though?  She's a woman and has to over-complicate everything.  It's not her fault.

How she could have done it:  Hmm, how would any woman get something they wanted from their lover?  Yes, that's rhetorical.

Magic 8 Ball Says: "Signs point to yes…when the suspect has a dress."

Vince McMahon

Motive: There's plenty of this to go around when it comes to Vince. Both men are responsible for him being relieved of his duties as Chairman.  Hell, throw in Hunter as another enemy of Vince's and you have yet another reason he'd want to sabotage the finish to SummerSlam regardless of the match outcome.

How he could have done it: He may not be in control of the company, but come on..he's still Vince McMahon.  Plus, they didn't change the locks yet to his old office (now Hunter's) and he simply walked in with ease.  How does he get Hunter out of the office and leave his phone behind?  Well, duh.  Set off the sprinkler.  If Van Wilder can figure that out…

Magic 8 Ball Says: "Concentrate and ask again"


If WWE doesn't overthink this and they stick with the original plan, I believe it has to be one of the suspects listed above.  However, as much as I don't enjoy when things get rushed, the longer they drag this out, the better chance of it being a let down when the reveal is made.

Mysteries are better served in sports entertainment when they are unexpected.  Think about your favorite CSI-type show on TV – they always show you the possible suspects at some point during the show, but it is typically the least expected person that you may only see once or twice at the beginning.  They want you to meet them..and then forget about them at the same time.

In this case, Vince or Triple H are probably the best bets because one isn't even on TV and the other is the only one actually denying his involvement.  Stephanie and Johnny Ace are "too" predictable at this point.  Triple H is a face and aligning with Kevin Nash, screwing CM Punk (who is a full-fledged fan favorite now) and lying about his involvement would certainly turn him heel. While that would set up his rumored match with CM Punk, who is it helping?  Punk?  He doesn't need it.  Personally, I see a better scenario.

Vince isn't technically in charge, but it doesn't mean he can't be pulling the strings from within.  In fact, that's exactly what Vince would be doing, right?  He's not going to let go of his company without a fight, damn it!  He called on Nash because he knew everyone would suspect it was Hunter.  He knew Hunter would deny it, so he watched everyone and everything unravel until the perfect moment to swoop, swoop-de-doop…in.

We all know Vince is high on the Miz (shoot).  We all know Nash tweeted in the past that he'd like to work with Miz (shoot).  Now that Punk has become the clear-cut number 2 babyface behind Cena (in WWE's eyes, not yours people!), who are the top heels on Raw?  Del Rio needs more heat.  It may be hard for him to get it working with Cena, but that's his best option right now.  Truth? Ziggler? Nope.

The Miz also needs more heat.  Nash knows how to get it.  And whether you think Triple H bringing in Kevin Nash is a sign of things to come, I can assure you that he's not Hulk Hogan.  He may have a deep bond that goes much deeper than the wrestling business with the likes of Hall, Waltman and others, but you're not going to see him bringing those guys in for fun.  Plus, Vince wouldn't allow it.

I don't see Miz being the one who texted Nash, but I could definitely see him being the one who ends up next to him.  Either way they go, I hope they use the limited time Nash has on camera to put over someone that "needs" it.  Punk doesn't.  Hunter doesn't.  Vince doesn't.  The future does.  Is that the Miz?  Well, that's an entirely different article and I've ran out of time.

So, who killed Mr. Boddy?  Discuss below by leaving a comment (I will regret saying that, but I'm legally obligated to do it) or emailing me at [email protected].  You can also follow me on Twitter @RealityofChris.