NJAF Presents: All-Time Survivor Series Awards and More…

Welcome to this edition of Not Just Another Fan Presents. This week I want to spend just a few minutes talking about something that has been on my mind and then I want to get into my All-Time Survivor Series Awards. Enough of this boring intro…lets get to the good stuff. By the time you get done reading this, you will know why really important and rich people call me Not Just Another Fan.

Booker T and the House Boy:

I have to say that a few weeks ago when it was announced on SmackDown that it would be Booker T vs Orlando Jordan in the Main Event I really didn’t think much about it. While I was watching it though, something dawned on me. Can you remember the last time two black men were featured one-on-one in a Main Event of a WWE program? I couldn’t and to me that was a big deal. I think that it speaks volumes as to where we are at as a society. Do I think that this is far enough? No. Do I think that this was a big step forward? Maybe. It all depends on how things play out in the next few months. I do find it amazing that when you look at WWE crowds they are predominantly Caucasian, unless they are in Southern California or Texas. Perhaps WWE finds that there is more money in the Hispanic market…I don’t know.

It is amazing to think that there is such a large portion of our population that is hardly represented. According to the US Census Bureau there were 38.3 Million Black Americans as of July 2002. That is an amazing large amount of people to ignore. I guess that WWE is more than happy to pass up all the money that these people are spending on Basketball Jerseys and Nike shoes. Just think if they were spending that money on PPV’s and WWE merchandise. WWE Please do the right thing and push young Black stars like Orlando Jordan and Shelton Benjamin. Not because they are Black and not because of the money…but because they are some of the best.

All-Time Survivor Series Awards:

This year marks the 18th Survivor Series and I have seen them all. I thought that it might be fun to take a look back and give out my all time Survivor Series Awards. I hope you will find this informative and entertaining!

Best Survivor Series Team Effort: Rick Martel, The Warlord, Hercules and Paul Roma in 1990

They were the first team in Survivor Series History to eliminate the entire opposing team without loosing one of their competitors. They beat Jake Roberts, Superfly, Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty.

Biggest Upset: The Undertaker over Hulk Hogan in 1991

Looking back on it now, it doesn’t look like too big of a deal. At the time though, this was HUGE! Of course 2 days later Hulk Hogan won the belt back…but this was the biggest win in the young Dead Man’s career.

Most Controversial Moment: The Screw Job in 1997

I don’t think I need to go into this too much. I think that everything that can be said…has been said.

Biggest Survivor Surprise: 1-2-3 Kid & Marty Jannetty in 1993

The remaining competitors in the match were Razor Ramon, Randy Savage, Irwin R. Schyster, The Model, Diesel and Adam Bomb. They had to be the last 2 expected to survive!

Most Ridiculous Survivor Series Team: Luke Doink, Butch Doink, Mo Doink and Mable Doink in 1993

I can’t even remember why they all dressed like Doink…but it was less funny than it sounds. I found myself rooting for Bastion Booger’s team, which was depressing.

Most Lop sided match: Big Show vs. Big Boss Man, Viscera, Mideon, & Prince Albert

I know they wanted to make the Big Show look impressive, but how does this make you feel if you are one of the four guys on the other team that had to get beat by him?! I’m just glad it didn’t last too long.

The Ugliest Team: The Fabulous Moolah, Mae Young, Debra, & Tori Runnels

I feel bad for Tori having to be on this team. I have never liked Debra and Mae Young & The Fabulous Moolah just need to go away!

Most Original Match: Elimination Chamber in 2002

We saw HBK Survive the match involving Triple H, RVD, Booker T, Kane & Chris Jericho.

Best Debut: The Undertaker in 1990

Although he didn’t “Survive”, he made the biggest impact of the night. In fact, his debut is what was remembered, instead of the Ultimate Survivor Match that pitted the winning faces vs the winning heels. (When I was a kid I used to wonder how they knew there would be face and heel winners!)

Most Intimidating Team: King Kong Bundy, Andre the Giant, One Man Gang, Butch Reed and Rick Rude in 1987

This is one large and scary team! Can you imagine getting a huge win over someone like Rick Rude or King Kong Bundy, only to have Andre step into the ring. It’s a no win situation.

My Top 10 Survivor Series teams of All-Time:

10. The Rockers, Powers of Pain, Young Stallions, Hart Foundation and the British Bulldogs – 1988 (Notice that HBK and The Hitman are on the same team!)

9. The Undertaker, Lex Lugar & The Steiner Brothers – 1993

8. The Radicalz – Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn & Chris Benoit – 2000

7. Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian – 1999

6. The Dudley Boyz, Booker T, RVD & HBK – 2003

5. Hulk Hogan, Demolition & Jake “The Snake” Roberts – 1989

4. The Rock, Chris Jericho, Kane, The Undertaker & The Big Show – 2001

3. Andre The Giant, Dino Bravo, Rick Rude, Harley Race & Mr. Perfect – 1988

2. King Kong Bundy, Andre the Giant, One Man Gang, Butch Reed & Rick Rude – 1987

1. Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Jake Roberts, Brutus Beefcake & Jim Duggan – 1987

Not Just Another Trivia Question: If you know the answer please email me at [email protected] and I will include your name in my next column if you are correct.

Can you name Survivors from the Ultimate Survivor Series Match in 1990?


I hope that you enjoyed this fun little look into the past of one of my favorite WWE Events. If you think that you have better picks than me for any category please email me and tell me your picks! I will be back next week with another column for your reading delight!

John Wilson

Not Just Another Fan