The Widow’s Peak: Goodbye to You

Watching wrestling used to be fun, until all the fun was sucked out of it; I complain a lot, but after witnessing some of the dumbest moves in WWE history, I feel as if I don’t know much about the company that I’ve watched since I was three years old and loved Miss Elizabeth. As I flipped through Raw on Monday, I realized that watching wrestling has become a chore for me; it’s just one of those things that was on my list of things to do, but it wasn’t always so. I used to look forward to Mondays and Thursdays and was more than excited to go to live shows whether they be a house show or a Raw. However, that all changed and I can’t really tell you where it became more apparent to me than the failed InVasion of 2001; it could have been great and instead it was ripped apart.

What does this have to do with anything you may be asking yourself? And it does! This ladies and gentlemen, will be the last column of the Widow’s Peak, with your favorite Wrestling Goddess feeling that the wrestling industry as a whole is giving nothing back in return for the years of dedication to the business. I’ve already contacted Shak so that it won’t be a surprise to him that I just say, “hey this is my last column.” I’ll eventually come back and write again, but at this point in my life, wrestling isn’t my first priority anymore, but that’s not to say that I’ll stop watching either; I’m just putting my creative skills on hold as I hone in on them more.

As I look back at my first column, I was pretty good and as time went on, I got much better. I’m also glad that I was the first ever WZ female columnist when I won the Wannabes contest and I’m proud of that fact; I figured someone else would get it, but I was excited about the prospect of people reading what I had to say. This column, as you can guess, isn’t really about wrestling at all, but I will say a few things that I find interesting.

Lita is a Slut? It’s funny, ’cause it’s true

I’ve never really cared for Lita, so I wasn’t upset with anything that happened to her, at a storyline point of view. I figured that something was going on behind the scenes for her to get involved in a storyline where Kane wanted her to have his baby. Out of all the divas on Raw, he couldn’t have picked someone like, I don’t know, Stacy Keibler? But then again, they needed a diva whose facial expressions were so out in left field, that the storyline was bound to look ridiculous and stupid. I only watched Lita and Kane’s wedding in the hopes of Matt Hardy coming to save the day, but I only watched him get chokeslammed off the ramp and down onto tables below, then he was fired. I’m only going to watch the Lita and…um, who is she marrying again? Yeah, it’s like that.

Captain Charisma makes me laugh

I guess Christian shouldn’t make me laugh because he is a serious threat to John Cena and his WWE title. The WWE hasn’t made that big of a deal that both champions are on the same show, so it’s a bit disappointing in that regard. I was also looking forward to the two big mouths on screen to face off against each other for the WWE Championship, but I guess we shouldn’t count of the first ever Undisputed champion in Chris Jericho. For someone who hasn’t given two shits about wrestling, he sure was upset about Christian getting that coveted spot.

However, I still think its best if Cena moves back to Smackdown, then Christian gets drafted and we finally get the one on one match that should be taking place at Vengeance. It seems that Christian gets that little push, then suddenly, it’s gone; it’s almost as if the WWE is scared that Christian might actually get cheers not just from his fellow Canadians, but from the Americans. It’s time for the WWE to capitalize on Christian and market him as a future main eventer; he’s only 30, he’s got the time.

Triple H does talk a lot

I thought people were just being silly when they said that Triple H talked a lot; I mean I didn’t see it. Hint the sarcasm here? I hope so, Trips talks so much that he could have his own talk show, but no one would watch; he’d become like Queen Latifiah! And I’ve noticed that over the years, Triple H has become more like Ric Flair and that’s not a good thing, at least most of the time it isn’t. He talks and talks and talks, but he talks about the same things over and over, how great he is, what a fantastic champion he’s been(I’ve lost count. 10? 12? 57?) and so on and so on.

I think everyone should be drafted to Smackdown and leave Triple H and Ric Flair on Raw, and see how many people listen to him talk then. The man has done much for sports entertainment, but he’s no Mother Teresa, if you know what I mean. She was silent, maybe he should take it from her.

The wrestling section of my column is finished and there are a few people I want to thank. First of all, I have to give a shout out to my peep, Scott Stover, for getting me into column writing. I read one of his columns and thought I’d give it a try and boy, I’m glad that I did; you are truly awesome Scott, thanks. Second, I want to thank Shak for allowing me back into the Columnist Lounge and boring you with my Matt Hardy rants that I had from time to time. I want to thank the people who emailed me with their thoughts, whether they be good or bad, it was you and thank you.

I want to congratulate all of the columnists out there still writing, Dougie, Rob, Bradley, Joe, John, Martin and anyone I’m forgetting, forgive me. You guys are awesome; all of you have inspired me to write more and more and I thank you.

And this is one thing that I don’t think anyone knows about me, but there was one person who truly inspired me to go out there and make my dream a reality, I’ve only met him a few times and he was nice enough to sign my crap that I handed to him. It was a quote of his that with all the other crap that goes on in wrestling, actually made sense to me; he said it wasn’t crazy to dream; you went out there and made it a reality. Matt Hardy, you are truly an entertainer, who cares more about the wrestling business that Triple H claims to on Raw every Monday. It was Matt Hardy who made me realize that wrestling wasn’t just something I watched; it was a way of life. I love ya for it!

Well, I think that’s about it. I’m shedding tears, but who knows, maybe I’ll come back, maybe I won’t. I thank all of you for your support and your criticisms and your praises, you all are angels and this is your Wrestling Goddess, or Rachel, signing off. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.


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